Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Issue #1: December 2002: Old School B-Ball Vs. New School

Ahhh, basketball season. Where else can drug users, sex offenders, and wife beaters play a game of ball with their peers? Oh yeah, that's right; isn't that what happens in prison? Just recently, our beloved "Blazers" (and we mean that on more then one level), lost two of their athletes, one of whom has skill. The other... Well lets just say we're waiting for the trade. If all else fails, there is an opening for janitor back at your old high school if you're interested, Damon. Are we the only ones who are a little tired of hearing about basketball players getting in trouble over small things, like Ziploc bags of weed or driving drunk? Come on Damon, you're a millionaire; go for the green and fill that Hummer with your good buddies Rasheed and " Puff The Magic Dragon". Boomshakalaka!

Clearly, this isn't the heyday of basketball. We remember the days when people believed that Julius Irving was a real doctor and a time when you weren't cool unless you were rocking a pair of Chuck Taylors. Now we're not saying that everyone in today's NBA doesn't have respect for the old school. There are a select few people who still have a passion for the ABA. Clearly the first on the list is John Stockton. Those shorts have gone up an inch every year he has played. Now that's dedication. How about the coach's? Larry Brown not only played in the ABA, but he coached in it too. Talk about true playa.

The thing that angers us the most about the NBA is the money. Why in the hell do they need millions of dollars doing what many do free for the love of the game? We don't mind paying to see games, but if we wanted to waste our money, we'd go buy Kazam on DVD. What could be better than watching outtakes of Shaq trying to act? How about throwing a basketball at the "Lower Regions" of Vanessa Williams' Biz-Natch, Rickey Fox. Throw it down big man, throw it down.

What made the ABA? The music made the ABA. Can you imagine it, watching those old-schoolers, Be-ballin and Shot-callin around you as your jamming to soul ballads of the funk masters? We sure can. Today we got all these players making millions to play ball, and then they go out and try to rap about their "hard life". It's tough being rich, isn't it Iverson? Some of these guys are just as bad at rapping as they are at playing ball (wink, wink... we don't need a headband Damon).

They even play the game wrong. When watching a game, you are probably going to see mostly big time dunks and "girly" three pointers. Please don't tell us that we are the only ones who miss the stutter steps of Kareem Abdul- Jabbar or those incredible fake-outs by Magic. Even the big, slow white guy, Larry Bird, had moves; they weren't good, but he still had them. Nowadays, players think footwork is running away from the local Po-Po.

As you can tell, we the angry guys clearly favor the old school to the new. Even though we were born seven years after it's death. It still lives in the soul of one player. We all know who that is folks. Cezary Trybanski, truly the only "Mac daddy" who still represents the ABA even though he is still trying to learn the English language...

Until next time kids, this is the Two Angry Guys signing off.

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