Thursday, March 25, 2010

Home Alone Part 97-Bracket Busters

Well we had a whole March Madness article all typed up and ready to hit the presses until we caught a little snag. You see we are granted certain amenities as such highly regarded sports writers. Front row seats, luxury suites, anything fancy and/or free you better believe we have indulged beyond our wildest dreams. So when ESPN contacted us and requested that we cover the entire tournament on their dime, how could we say no? We could use some free love, and not the type you get from a $5 Asian masseuse, after the month we have had. The University of Oregon has put us through so much heartbreak recently that Taylor Swift is currently working on a song for her new album called "I choked out my bitch and stole her laptops". Kinda catchy right? However, as they say hindsight is 20-20. If we had known what kind of bermuda-triangle type bad luck would be coming our way, we would have just stayed in our matching snuggies drinking some PBR’s while watching the madness unfold at home.

As we arrived at the airport last week, we couldn't have been more ready to spend time with Digger and the crew while we made bold predictions that had a snow balls chance in hell of happening. (So pretty much what Mel Kiper Jr has been doing for the past 30 years.) As we entered the airport and headed toward the closest bar, we got settled in for what was sure to be an unforgettable couple of weekends. Ten to twelve Jager Bombs later we were ready to board the plane and head to our first set of opening round games. We just had to use the restroom and board the plan. It all seems so simple now. Why oh why did Sean have to change the batteries in his TalkBoy? To make a long story short, Sean hasn't been seen or heard from in two weeks and Kyle is stuck inside a closed terminal at the Spokane airport too scared to venture outside. We have not seen any live or televised games, and as far as we both know our brackets are in great shape. Go Kansas Go!

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