Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Retraction: MVP

As we sat down on the couch in front of our wall of hi-def tv's last evening we decided to switch things up. Rather than watch another ho hum game from the Eastern Conference Finals, we put in one of our all time favorite movies. Bill and Teds Excellent Adventure. As we sat there watching the superb half dead acting of Keaunu Reaves, we got to thinking. What if we had a time traveling phoone booth who would we go meet or what would we go change throughout sports history? instead of the steel pipe to the back of Nancy Kerrigans knee could we have hired that guy to instead wait 2 years and do it to Kobe before his rookie season? But those are all tales for another day and another place. Right now we are here to talk about one thing. Nay one person. We have brought you all here today to apologize for a glaring mistake in our last piece. So on this day we offer you our appology and we offer you a retraction to the section about LeBron James and his status of MVP. Be prepared fans, things could get bumpy here; so strap in.

Lebron James could still be one of the best ten players ever to ball on NBA hardwood but his last game proved a jagged truth many of us didn't want to admit; this kid is not the second coming of Michael Jordan. Jordan would never have gone to the bench and pouted when the Celtics cranked up the D to an 11. No, Michael would have pictured KG or Paul Pierce strangling one of his children and then would have distributed some fantasy justice and destroyed them by physically taking it to the rim every play. Lebron just doesn't have that kind of fifth gear. Unlike Kobe or Larry Bird or Jordan, Lebron lacks the ability to channel anger into fuel to push his game to the next level. There's no way any of those three guys would ever had ended a game like Lebron did in game 6. A full one and a half minutes were on the clock and the Cavs decided to just dribble the clock out... A MINUTE AND A HALF!!!! We were sitting there screaming at the TV to get the Cavs to play but they just stood there, thinking of the best fishing spots to hit when the game was over. I'm sure somewhere a TV has a remote stuck inside of it, thrown by a disgusted Jordan at the lack of professionalism. The Cavs just followed the tone set by their superstar who at the end of the game seemed more interested in the ensuing press conference than finishing off the season going down fighting. Obviously he just doesn't get the importance of playing to the very end and it showed. Sadly the best winners never need to learn this lesson because it comes as naturally to them. This series proved that Lebron does not have IT.

" I put a lot of pressure on myself to be out there, try to be great, try to be the best player on the court....long pause....and ughhh when I'm not you know, i feel bad for myself. You know cause I'm not going out there and doin' the things I know I can do. Ummm but I don't hang my head low or make excuses about anything that might be going on."

- LeBron James Post-game interview after the Cavs were handed their biggest loss in post season history.

A do or die game in Cleveland that LeBron knew he had to win and didn't. Now we can only speculate as to what might be the cause of LeBron's historically horrible collapse in the payoffs, but if some guy wasn't fucking his mama, then there aint no reason for him to play ball like he did against the Celtics. Oh wait....... If you really want to be considered amongst the greatest of all-time then you have to play at there level. Play like they did. Not anyone of the Top 5 would have blown that series like that. They might have lost, but they sure as hell would have gone down swinging. No way Jordan goes out looking like a spoiled punk 2 years in a row. Not gonna do it. You think Larry Bird is going down without taking everyone else with him? White Jesus only knows how to bring the heat. So here is the bottom line LeBron, no matter where you you go, no matter how much money you make, no matter how popular you become, you will never be the King until you earn the jewelry.


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